Friday 18 January 2013


"Mouth cannot Speak"
HyeRin Lee
Acrylic an canvas 

The title of my painting is "Mouth cannot speak". The painting is to display that secrets heard from a friend can harm a person's mind on the right side of the painting; the girl's face looks weak because she has too many thought inside her head. Also the thorns of the rose are to show the pain from keeping the secret. in the girl's moth is a rose to symbolize that the secret is really important, and perhaps beautiful in some way.


"Old Secret Dark Secret"
HyeRin Lee
Acrylic on canvas

The title of my painting is "Old secret Dark secret". the meaning of the painting is if the people hear secret from other people and they keep them secret, as time goes by it will only hurt them to stay quiet. In the painting, the brighter-looking rose on the left represent a person as he or she learns a secret, and the darker rose on the right represents a person forced to live with a secrets, and the destructiveness of secrecy over time. The distorted image of the clock represents how time itself can distort things, including the truth. In conclusion, secret can be a great bother to people as time goes on.


"3/4 view self portrait"
HyeRin Lee
Pencils on the drawing paper

This is self Portrait from art class. i drawn four self portrait in the class and this is the 3rd. i drawn portrait first time in grade 12 Art class. i could know technical that how to make shadow and adjusting light or dark of the picture. when i draw first portrait, it was unripe to express point of the picture. but finally i got the skill that how to sketch looks realistic with control the light and dark. 


"Inner beauty"
Clay & jewelry with painting 
HyeRin Lee

It is last final project of 3D design. Unit name was Conceptual Art which mean i have to express something by similar things. my sculpture title is "Inner Beauty", meaning is usually people couldn't get who has really good personality by how they looks like, actually people has beauty thing in their mind that no one cannot see. i express the three hands cover the Jewelry inside you can not actually see what is the inside, but if you are interest to see more closer you will get how it is beautiful insi


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