Thursday 17 January 2013



"HyeRin's Logo Design"
Grade 12 Communications Technology
Graphic Design Unit
Designer : HyeRIn Lee
This is personal logo design. i designed this logo in Adobe illustrator. Logo has to be looks simple and powerful because when people see the logo of production it has to show strong image for meaning of production. I tried to make simple and looks clear but strong to show what does this logo about. I designed my personal logo with using my initials “H”,”R”, and “L”. The “H” and “R is my first and middle name, L is my last name. My idea for designing from my world design experience. I “designed logo to simple. My idea was “L” hold “H” and “R”. I felt last name is bigger than first name because it is family name; which mean we have same group name with family member, so I designed “L” big and make “H” and “R” together. When I designed first name and middle name I try to design it looks like together but actually it show two words in my design. I used that idea because I thought it would show to looking clear and novel idea.
And I like to symbol colour black because it looks clearly and I use little bit colour of world “Production” by red. Because I thought logo should show what does about.


"Secret within"
Grade 12 Communications Technology
Creative Photography & Graphic design Unit
Designer : HyeRin Lee
Digital Photo Art " Secret Within

My digital Art is to portray, a girl who fell in love with beauty of the secret garden. The magnificence glass is to is to show her heart that wants to share the beauty and the shadow is her head telling her to keep the garden secret. so my project has contrast that "use your brain follow you hear". The girl's face looks like happy and something she has secret because she is only know the secret garden. and i use background  to kind of forest and made it color green because i want to emphasize the secret person shadow on the her and rose on the her face. the Rose on her face show she is fell in love with Rose in Garden she always think to garden.  


"Bysy Buday Advertising"
Grade 11 Communication Technology 
disigner: HyeRin Lee
Creative Advertising

This is Newspaper Advertising unit for creative. i was wonder to chose the production for advertise. i picked  per store. i did for creating this advertising in the Adobe Photoshop CS3 in the Com Tech class. i found the dogs picture from  Google image. and i made dog's eyes looks more dark because my Ad express actually pet wants to something to buy in the pet store. i got some technical skill in Photoshop with creative this Advertising. 


"Revlon Magazine Advertising"
Grade 11 Communications Technology
Designer by HyeRin Lee
Magazine advertising reproduction Unit

This is reproduction of magazine advertising. i selected cosmetics magazine for reproduction. i used Adobe Photoshop CS3. The model of the picture was my friend. i actually wanted to make looks most same. in this unit i learned more about technical that how to use Photoshop for edit picture looks like same. this project was really good to learned Photoshop skill.

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